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【2024/09/20 02:46 】 |
United Kingdom iron and steel, chemical and other industries can drive the United Kingdom, if the Union does not cut green taxes, claiming that CBI boss

Heavy industries may be driven out of United Kingdom Union of the next wave of green taxes, business leaders have warned.

CBI Director-General yuehandelan said the latest carbon tax was ' negative ' will make the United Kingdom steel and chemical company industries less competitive on the world stage.

In a violent attack, the head of the United Kingdom's biggest business lobby urged the Government to reduce climate change tax and energy-intensive enterprises from others.

Warning to a few days after the former Cabinet Secretary Lord Turnbull said politicians should stop frightening us and our children ' on global warming and blamed civil servants failed to challenge the green agenda.

Energy-intensive industries will be dragged down to help meet tough climate change goals and fill the Treasury coffers, United Kingdom of green taxes.

Carbon reduction commitment will force all of the company exceeds a certain size to measure their greenhouse gas emissions, and to buy from the Government's ' allow pollution '. Greening of the company, the more they will not pay.
Title of the message on Thursday

Title of the message on Thursday

Fuel Bill, is also expected to soar with the North Sea oil and gas production tax decision of the Treasury.

Carbon floor price, in his budget speech in March, announced the expansion of coal, natural gas and oil are trying to encourage more renewable forms of energy such as wind and wave power generation costs. Minimum value--or ' floor price of '--needs a ton of carbon emissions permits will: 16 from 2013 to 2020, rising to 30 pounds.

Dylan said that the Government should introduce energy efficiency carbon floor price discount company.

more information:
tmtd accelerator
rubber chemicals
【2011/06/17 11:35 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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